
maritime security中文是什么意思

  • 海事安全



  • 例句与用法
  • In a strict sense , maritime security is an important and unique part of the whole security laws
    狭义上的海事担保(或称海事诉讼担保) ,是担保法律体系中一个重要而特殊的组成部分。
  • Beijingand asean agreed to slash barriers on services such as telecoms and transport , while tokyo will support southeast asian maritime security
  • And maritime security established with the adoption of special maritime procedure law of pro , has injected new energy to china ' s security law in progress
  • The maritime security provisions aim to establish an international framework to protect the maritime transport from security threats and contribute towards the overall supply chain security
  • China will step up its cooperation and dialogue with other asian countries in such security areas as regional counter - terrorism , combating transnational crimes , maritime security , and non - proliferation , giving full play to existing multilateral security mechanisms
  • The rules , made under the ordinance , form an integral part of the domestic legislation to give effect to the new maritime security provisions under chapter xi - 2 of solas and the associated international ship and port facility security code adopted by the international maritime organization
    根据条例订立的规则,是有关本地法例的主体部分,旨在实施国际海事组织通过的solas第xi - 2章关于海上保安的新条文,以及相关的《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》 。
  • The rules , made under the ordinance , form an integral part of the domestic legislation to give effect to the new maritime security provisions under chapter xi - 2 of solas and the associated international ship and port facility security code adopted by the international maritime organization
    根据条例订立的规则,是有关本地法例的主体部分,旨在实施国际海事组织通过的solas第xi - 2章关于海上保安的新条文,以及相关的《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》 。
  • But due to the limited rules in special maritime procedure law of pro and for want of theoretical research and practical probe , the underlying principles of this relatively new legal system of maritime security have not been fully unveiled and some of the problems met in judicial practice not solved yet . these defects shall be redressed as soon as possible
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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