maritime adj. 海的,海上的;海事的,海运的;沿海的;生在沿海地带的。 maritime association 海事协会。 maritime climate 海洋性气候。 M- Customs Administration (中国的)海关总署。 The M- Exchange (纽约的)海运交易所。 a maritime power 海洋国家;海运国。 M- Provinces (加拿大的)沿海各省。
security n. 1.安全(感);安稳;稳妥;平安。 2.确实;确信;把握;可靠性;安心。 3.【军事】防御物。 4.保护;防护;保卫;防御 (against; from); 治安,安全防卫。 5.【法律】保证,担保;抵押。 6.担保品;保证金;借用证 (for)。 7.担保人;保证人。 8.〔pl.〕证券;债券;公债;股票。 9.〔古语〕疏忽;大意。 public security 公安。 public security organs 保卫机关;公安机关。 What security can you offer for it 你对这件事能拿什么做担保呢? S- is the greatest enemy. 疏忽[麻痹大意]是最大的敌人。 give security against 保护;使无…之忧。 go [enter into, give] security for 做…的保人。 in security 安全。 in security for 作…的担保。 on good security 有可靠的抵押。
In a strict sense , maritime security is an important and unique part of the whole security laws 狭义上的海事担保(或称海事诉讼担保) ,是担保法律体系中一个重要而特殊的组成部分。
Beijingand asean agreed to slash barriers on services such as telecoms and transport , while tokyo will support southeast asian maritime security 中国和东盟同意互相降低通信和运输等关税,而日本则将在海事安全方面支持东盟。
And maritime security established with the adoption of special maritime procedure law of pro , has injected new energy to china ' s security law in progress 随着《海事诉讼特别程序法》出台而正式确立的海事担保制度,为正处于发展阶段的中国担保法律体系注入了新鲜的血液。
The maritime security provisions aim to establish an international framework to protect the maritime transport from security threats and contribute towards the overall supply chain security 海上保安条文的目的在于订立一个国际框架,保障航运免受保安威胁,发挥巩固供应链整体保安的作用。
China will step up its cooperation and dialogue with other asian countries in such security areas as regional counter - terrorism , combating transnational crimes , maritime security , and non - proliferation , giving full play to existing multilateral security mechanisms 中国将同亚洲国家加强在地区反恐、打击跨国犯罪、海上安全、防扩散等安全领域的对话和合作,充分发挥多边安全机制的积极作用。
The rules , made under the ordinance , form an integral part of the domestic legislation to give effect to the new maritime security provisions under chapter xi - 2 of solas and the associated international ship and port facility security code adopted by the international maritime organization 根据条例订立的规则,是有关本地法例的主体部分,旨在实施国际海事组织通过的solas第xi - 2章关于海上保安的新条文,以及相关的《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》 。
The rules , made under the ordinance , form an integral part of the domestic legislation to give effect to the new maritime security provisions under chapter xi - 2 of solas and the associated international ship and port facility security code adopted by the international maritime organization 根据条例订立的规则,是有关本地法例的主体部分,旨在实施国际海事组织通过的solas第xi - 2章关于海上保安的新条文,以及相关的《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》 。
But due to the limited rules in special maritime procedure law of pro and for want of theoretical research and practical probe , the underlying principles of this relatively new legal system of maritime security have not been fully unveiled and some of the problems met in judicial practice not solved yet . these defects shall be redressed as soon as possible 海事担保是一项较为新颖的法律制度,但《海事诉讼特别程序法》有限的法条规定不能完全揭示和解决其基本原理和司法实务问题,且目前与海事担保有关的理论研究和实践探索还未形成气候,这一缺陷应当尽快得到弥补。